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Pageant Categories


Group Performance

Bellydance Piece


Introduction Speech

2 minute speech introducing themselves to the audience, their dance experience and what they hope to achieve as Mini Miss Diva.


Creative Character Wear

Contestants are to put together an outfit that best describes their personality and walk the runway.

During this time they will pick their freestyle genre.


Solo Performance

A two-minute solo performance of any dance style of contestant’s choice. A full costume is a MUST.


Freestyle Performance

This performance will be predetermined in their Creative Character Wear.

Possible Choices: African, Hip hop, Latin, jazz, pop, bollywood.


Elegance Wear

Complete elegance is what a Diva is. Choose any style gown to showcase your beauty. 

Girls ages 9-13 yrs will be competing for the title of Mini Miss Diva 2016 in the following categories:

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